This week I have decided to participate in Jientje's photo challenge to post pictures of doors. I have enjoyed visiting her blog site:
Heaven In Belgium. Go and check out her doors. You won't be disappointed. She is a photographer extraordinaire. We are allowed to use new and old photos just as long as they are are own. Without further adieu...what is behind door number one? Can you guess? Would you step out into the void? Can you hear the thunderous roar? Can you feel the cold mist spray your face. I think you should stay back here where it is safe! Because....

This is the backside of Niagara Falls
Oh WOW! I can just imagine the roar and I will definitely stay put and not go near that doorway - well maybe just a little closer!
Oh wow!!!
I can feel the spray of that waterfall tickling on my nose, beautiful!!!
I'm so moved Christine, this is awesome, this is not just a photo challenge, so many messages, so many people joining ...
I'm having the time of my life!
HOW in the WORLD did you get THAT picture!? WOW!!! Great start! What are you gonna FINISH with???
You should enter Ang's door picture from her blog.
Yikes! I'll just stay right back here. Great idea!!
That's wonderful! When I was small I used to read stories about caves behind waterfalls, but I've never heard of a real one before.
That is great. I never would have guessed that. Almost like something out of a gothic mystery.
Wow! A doorway to the falls. I never knew there was one.
Yes! Watch your step! Great photo!
Surely there's a story behind this photo! Why were you there? How did you get there?
YES! I've been there! So cool - a wonderful addition to the challenge and very clever.
So glad you visited mine today. I've been away at my Mom's all day so I'm sorry I'm here so late - it was worth it though!
You know, I'd have to go closer. I'd need to feel the spray on my face and hear the roar from the inside out. If I was with my Amoeba, I wouldn't get as close as I wished to be, because he wouldn't let me.
I had no idea Niagra Falls had such a thing behind the falls. I thought it was just a rock cliff... if I thought about it at all, haha.
Alice at I Was Born2Cree8
Hey Chris - I recognize that door! I was there many years ago visiting families in Toronto area and got to see the tunnels and stairs leading to this very door (I think there's more than one.. I can't remember)
It was very fun. And cold!
Thanks for sharing your photo.
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