Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Door to Misery

Continuing with Jientje's Door Challenge... make sure to go over and have a look. You can still join if you like. It is not too late. You don't have to play every day if you don't want to. If you have a picture of a door that is itching to get posted, hop on over. Just sign her Mr. Linky and you are in. The rules are simple. The photos that you use must belong to you. No filching from Mr. Goggle.

There are some doors are not nice. There are some doors you will never want to go through. This is probably one of the most freaky doors I ever went through. I don't think that I even stayed long enough for Becky to take a picture of me. Becky was not as freaked out as me. I really wanted her to get out of that cell. "GET OUT OF THERE BECKY!" I still don't like it. When I look at the picture, I wonder how many men had to stay in there, how many years and what did they do to get there? Can you feel the hopelessness, violence, anger, horror, depression, isolation, insanity and utter bleakness? Can you feel the goosebumps rise on your flesh caused from the ghosts of the place called...


Door To Frustration

Ding dang spinner quit again! I need some real pity here people. My work pants are trapped in there. I don't want to stock shelves naked. Well...I suppose that is a slight exageration.


Bientje said...

I guess that if the walls could speak, we would hear terrifying stories!

Jientje said...

You just sent shivers down my spine.
I had been thinking of posting my jail door too, but now that you have, I 'm not so sure. It is indeed a statement this one. Thanks Christine, you CAN read my mind!

Dragonstar said...

These are doors that should always be seen open!

ellen b. said...

Sorry about your door to frustration!! The alcatraz shot is great...

Christine said...

On a happy note. The washer has been fixed by my Sweetie. He is so smart. It seems that somebody had paused the wash cycle. He simply pushed the control button back down. Hey...I wasn't the one who reported the washer as broken! I guess that I could rename that one as The Door to Clean Pants or The Door To Un-naked bodies.

juliana said...

gosh, this sent shivers down my spine! great entry.

Carver said...

The first one is certainly a scary door and the second is one that I have to open too often. Good ideas for the theme.

Melli said...

Welllll... ya saved me a trip to the Sheriff's office this week! LOL! Now it has sO been DONE... :) And trumped! Alcatraz! Geeeez! Yea... I would not want to be in there... NO WAY!

I hate washing machines... I'm actually protesting washing machines... At least until my clothes are all dirty again.

Eve said...

Love the door to frustration. I've been stopped by that one a time or two myself.

Willow said...

That is a freaky door. No thanks. I think it would be both scary and sad. And the poor washer. It hopes it doesn't see the outside of your back door!

Alice (in BC Canada) said...

Alcatraz must have been hell on earth, for sure. That door was a great choice for this challenge. I hope you got your work pants out of their prison.

Alice at I Was Born2Cree8

Ingrid said...

I have a picture of Mr. Gattino behind the "Al Capone" cell door ! We visited Alcatraz in the 90th it really is a terrible place !

Minkydo said...

Yep, that's a door I don't want to get near. Too bad about your washer being messed up.

Momisodes said...

Oh no! So sorry to hear about the spinner. I hate wringing out clothes. It could be an Olympic sport. Seriously!

That jail door is pretty spooky.

Carletta said...

I can't see Mr. Linky on Jientje's site so I missed this one.
I've seen TV specials about Alcatraz and it always makes me feel ominous - so does your photo.
Wash day blues I see - I get frustrated just HAVING to wash! :)