Tuesday, September 02, 2008

Door To Make Believe

Today is day three of Jientje's Open Doors challenge. So far so good. I have managed to find three doors that are somewhat respectable. I think that things may go downhill form here on. Be very glad that our dog doesn't have a dog house cause I probably would have resorted to taking a shot of that out of desperation. You can be sure that I will be frantically checking through my photos and hopefully come up with something. Check out Jientje's doors and check out the other participants by going through her Mr. Linky.

The Red Carpet
The young starlet gracefully exited her limousine and her beautiful diamond studded dainty heeled feet touched the red carpet. Hey this is my fantasy so not only can I be beautiful, I can be young as well! She shook out her long well coiffed tresses as flash bulbs went off all around her amid the cries of her fans pleading with her to stop and sign autographs. There were gasps of admiration over the dress she had designed herself and sighs of bliss as the fans caught whiffs of her perfume. It was an entirely new scent that she had created. From the looks of it she believed that her bank account was about to expand some more, not that it needed to. She quivered with excitement. Today she was attending the premiere of the first film that she not only acted in but had written, directed and wrote the musical score for. She was sure to get an Oscar for one of those categories. For her there was not better place in the world to be than at...

Grauman's Chinese Theater.

HONEY! Hello! WAKE UP! What is for supper? Why is the dog sleeping on the couch and are you planning on soaking those dishes until tomorrow? Sigh...it was fun while it lasted. Oh...do double click to get a better view.


Melli said...

LOL! WHERE were you when I had my Dragon Hunt??? THIS shoulda been there!!! LOL! It's okay... I found him now... And it's great doors too! Almost respectable! ;)

ellen b. said...

Ha! Very exotic doors and dream to go with them. I might have to make a trip into Hollywood to check out the old Grauman's Chinese...

Dr.John said...

Very fancy doors.

Carletta said...

I loved your 'dream!'
This is a very lovely photo - the things fairytales are made of.

So glad you joined this challenge -I'm really enjoying coming here.

Jientje said...



Carver said...

That's a great door and I enjoyed your fanciful post but then you woke up, ha.

Dragonstar said...

Ooooo! A gorgeous dragon!!!!

This is a place I've heard of, but never seen. Quite a doorway.

And I loved the day-dream!

juliana said...

that was really cool - thank you.

Eve said...

Beautiful dreamer, Wake unto me ...

Lovely fantasy and good job on the door.

Fluffy said...

Well, I was reading about the door thing, but I don't seem to have any door pictures. I looked around the house and all my doors are boring. I had some neat doors at my old house especially on the third floor, but I haven't been up there in years.

Momisodes said...

What a great daydream :)

I visited the Chinese theater a few times while living in California. What a great shot and choice!

Ingrid said...

Lol ! come down ! The door is gorgeous !

Jientje said...

Sounds like fun!!
See you!Oops, looks like I already commented on that one !