Retirement Party
Time for celebration and jubilation and speeches saying all kinds of flattering stuff. I am feeling just a little embarrassed and very humble. I gave the big guy a hug for all that flattery to the applause of all, then it was his turn to blush. Ha! It's funny...we all work together for years and years and never hug each other. I got lots of hugs. I didn't cry though. That is only because I still get to see everybody when I come in and work the odd shift.
Time for celebration and jubilation and speeches saying all kinds of flattering stuff. I am feeling just a little embarrassed and very humble. I gave the big guy a hug for all that flattery to the applause of all, then it was his turn to blush. Ha! It's funny...we all work together for years and years and never hug each other. I got lots of hugs. I didn't cry though. That is only because I still get to see everybody when I come in and work the odd shift.
Me telling everybody what a joy it has all been. It isn't a lie. In hindsight it has been wonderful and I did work with a lot of fantastic people. I look like I am about to cry. I did come close. Noah and Ben stayed close for moral support.
Some of my cohorts in crime. They are pretty in blue. Don't you love the caps? Sometimes they are hard to recognize outside of the work place because I am not used to seeing their hair.
Two of the people I will miss the most, the couriers. They made me laugh every day.
Noah still keeping close.
Noah still keeping close.
Sophie avoiding getting her picture taken. She would kill me if she saw this. Hahaha!
Most of my family was able to come. The cake was beautiful. The card was lovely. The people are the best.
Go On A Holiday
I should post more often. Because I have been busy and lazy, I have a bunch of pictures crying for attention. It is hard to figure out what to do with them all. They are jumping up and down saying! I could put them all up but there would be no rhyme or reason to this post. It would be like photo anarchy. Anyway...some flowers. We are leaving for the lake and will be gone for about a week. I am hoping that Mike will take good care of my babies while I gone. I plan to phone every day and check up on their status. A couple of years ago, Mike did not do so well in the floral care department when John and I took a holiday.
Roscoe got a bath today. That is a two hour ordeal for me. Don't feel to sorry for him. He love all the attention. He is so soft now and doesn't stink anymore. This is important as he will be riding in the truck with John and me for about three hours on the way to the lake. These flowers are the creation of John. He worked hard at hollowing out the Birch stumps and he planted these himself. I think that this is the first time he has ever planted flowers!
Mike please...please remember to give water!
My shrub garden is thriving.
The roses in the front yard are in full bloom. Some kind of a bug is eating the leaves. I am going to have to spray them tomorrow before we leave. Poor things.
Today I finished cleaning house, got my hair permed (now I am curly and I won't have to worry how I am going to do my hair out in the wilderness) then I went and got groceries and some other things that will make being at the lake more fun (a rubber dinghy so we can have races or try to dump each other) The camper is loaded. Tomorrow we will finish packing, put the canoe on top and head off into the sunset. I am so excited. Say a prayer for this old truck.
See ya later!
Please excuse my poor grammar. I did not edit this post. LOL
I love your comment!!!!
I bet now YOU're the one doing the happy dance now huh?
I hope you have a safe trip, and enjoy your holiday!!!!! See you when you get back, although I think you don't want to hear about that just now, now do you!!!???
Looks like a fun party. I love the flowers and the clean dog. The truck looks ready to party, too.
Looks like you had a fun retirement party. I bet they will miss you.
Such pretty flowers. I didn't get many flowers this year. I'm trying to get the other stuff done around here and didn't want to have the upkeep of veggies and flowers. I have so much else to do in the yard.
Roscoe looks nice and clean. Do you want to come wash my dog? I've never been able to bathe her because she is afraid of the hose and I don't have the strength to wrestle her down. I told my son I want him to help me give her a bath later this summer. Maybe we can get her used to water.
I hope you have a really nice holiday and fun with your family while out at the lake.
WOW! Congratulations! What a huge milestone :) I'm sure you will be missed.
I adored all of the pics! Wishing you safe and happy travels :)
Congratulations, Christine!
I've been bestowing bling on some of my favorite blogs this morning. Please stop by Adams Wife's and pick up your award. :D
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