Believe it or not but the rest of John's body is somewhere in the truck. He is sitting in there somehow. I haven't quite figured it out! Right now he is muttering: "What are you doing with that camera! Why do you need a picture of this? Must you take a picture of everything?" My answer: "I must have a picture of this. Sweetheart, You don't know how odd this looks to me. This my dear is a photo orportunity that will probably never come again!" Doesn't this look odd to you?
I had to add this picture of Sam multi tasking. Notice the nonchalant way he has his hand on the toaster while he acts all innocent eating his popcorn? He dies not even look at the toaster! He is very gifted at getting into trouble without having you notice it until too late.
Well that is it folks. I can't think of any thing else to post today.
It was a fun post Christine!
The best way to start my day! With a smile on my face!
I hope John can get the Tough put back in your Ram in time to go camping.
Is it the angle of the picture or is that a REALLY HUGE truck. John looks like he is barely bigger than the headlight. Cute pictures. Fun post!
That is such a cool pic of John in the car!!! I love his smile :)
Sam...*giggles*... sounds so much like my daughter ;)
I don't know, Chris. Do you really want to go camping with a legless man? Cool pictures.
John looks great Christine!
That truck does look huge in the picture! Hahaha! It is a normal half ton truck.
Love the overalls! Doug wouldn't be caught dead in them, even though he has discovered the joy of suspenders. The picture remains me of the time my first husband put a new motor in his '58 Olds.
John looks a bit like part of the engine. I hope both he and the truck are Ram tough! lol
It's just so great to see John doing things like that. Have a wonderful time camping.
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