We are home. It feels really good. I didn't think that we were going to make it there for awhile. The trip to the lake took about 3 hours more than it should because the truck was not Ram tough. The repairs that John did before we left were not the repairs that fixed the problem. About an hour and a half out from Saskatoon the truck started bucking. We would stop for awhile. It would behave for about another 40K then would start to buck again and we would have to stop and progressively things got worse the farther we got away from home. We decided to go ahead and limp it to the lake, have a nice holiday and worry about it after we had our fun. After all our fun we managed to limp our way Yorkton and stayed there a couple of days while John worked at it sorting it all out. After putting in a new fuel pump $45.00 and finding that did not fix it he put in an electronic thingamabob $65.00 and that did not fix it, then he tried a thingamajig that only cost $8.00 so we seemed to be getting cheaper by the minute so that was good except that did not fix the problem either. After all that he decided that maybe the fuel line was plugged so he borrowed an air compressor and blew that out and that cost nothing and that fixed the problem and we drove home without so much as even a little buck from the truck. I guess that when trucks get old their arteries clog too.
Other than that we did have a nice holiday. Now we are home and I have unpacked the fridge and I can unpack the rest at my leisure. This was the last trip that we are going to take with this old camper. It needs to go to where ever it is that old campers go when they are finished. I do not think that anybody would want it. The roof leaks and has to be tarped. The one jack is pulling away. It is not very safe. It weighs a ton. The fridge does not work on propane anymore. It is not worth fixing. Maybe somebody wants it for parts. If you want it, come and get it. Hahaha!
The flowers survived but they did miss my tender loving care. I will have them all back in shape in a week or so. I spent the last half an hour fussing over them.
I have a bunch of pictures of our holiday but I haven't got the camera out of the camper yet and I am too lazy to go and get it. I will try to get some pics up in the next day or so. You will laugh to see what the dog did. What a gong show. I have him writing out all his exploits...ummm... that is not entirely true as he is sleeping right now and will probably sleep for a day or two as he is worn out from traveling and is dog tired . He was very busy and a pain in the caboose although he doesn't think so.
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Well, it sounds like you had fun. I'm glad you didn't get stranded with your truck. I bet it's nice to be home. No matter how much fun I have out doing stuff, I still love getting home the best.
Hey, I forgot to tell you that one of my bosses grew up in Saskatoon over in Grosvenor Park. She used to go to the old Grosvenor Park school that is now an Islamic center.
Sounds like a wonderful vacation! Glad you got home ok. Poor old camper with its clogged arteries. Now you're gonna get rid of it. Hope you find a shiny new one that doesn't leak!
Huh. I had no idea you had all these posts I hadn't read. You've been busy!
Reminds me of the time my Father limped down a Vermont mountain using the emergency brake. We stayed for two more days waitting for parts. Then, on the way home, he hit a pothole and had to get the front hood worked on. The roof carrier came unhinged and made a perfect landing on it. Two weeks later, we had a new car.
Welcome back!!! Glad you all made it back alright. What an adventure indeed!
Can't wait to see some pics from the trip :)
Wow! What an exciting trip to the lake. I would have needed a couple of days to recuperate after that. I hate car trouble. I love that all those things got fixed and in the end it would have been free. So funny. I can't wait to see pictures. I'm glad you had a good time.
Ditto on what Margaret said. :)
You have know idea how chocked I got at that old truck when everything I tried failed to fix the problem. I am also very glad to be home.
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