1. First stop was the artisan and organic bread booth: "What the heck is Artisan bread anyway! It is so pretentious, that is what it is." He does have a way of answering his own questions, bless his heart. "You can get the same stuff at the grocery store for a fraction of the cost! I'm not eating that tree hugging, granola loving bread." Of coarse I know this because he refuses to eat anything except highly refined white bread. Sigh...
2. Next stop was at the organic vegetable booth: "Would you like some of those new baby carrots?" I ask. He
3. On to the booth that was the real purpose of coming to Farmer Market, my main goal, Saskatoon berries! Oh Yum! I bought a large bag of said berries and that bill came to $15.00 which is very reasonable unless you want to go and pick them yourself. His observations on this price caused me to reply: "
4. At this point he spies the Okanagan fruit booth. I could hardly keep up with him as he motored over there. He proceeded to buy $20.00 worth of fruit enthusing all the time that "you could not get such nice fruit at the grocery store and that cost was not an issue and sometimes you have to pay more to get good quality." I am not arguing with him because this was what I was trying to get through his
5. Angus beef: I say "Honey those are $20.00 steaks!" He says "And your point is?" I hate it when we reverse roles. I am not a curmudgeon am I? Well am I??
Ooooh I liked reading this! So recognisable at times isn't it! And the way you correct yourself in the text, hilarious! But I had to look up the word curmudgeon first! I had no idea what it was!
Enjoy the food!
Now, do you see why I want to beat mine to death at times? I don't know whether to beat my head against a wall or flush it down the toilet. Do I sound too violent?
This was too funny. I can totally see this whole exchange taking place. Thanks, Chris, for sharing your "Old Curmudgeon" with us.
In all our long acquaintance I have never noticed anything even slightly curmudgeon-like about you. Sometimes, however, I think we reflect the attitudes of those around us. lol
Haha, so funny. I loved the little crossed out phrases, definitely my favorite part of the post.
Oh man I laughed reading this. I could so totally hear him saying all those things. This was thoroughly enjoyable.
I think it would be fun to go with you guys. Marv and John could grumble...I mean critique everything and we could shop. Maybe breakfast somewhere after.
Haha! My man refuses to buy cheap beef as well :)
You are in no way a curmudgeon!
LOL. I thought Dad liked the farmer's market? I guess it has to be his idea to have a good time going.
(Were there any cucumbers yet?)
Dad does like the farmer market and it was his idea of going. He just grumbles when you get something he thinks is crazy like artisan bread and vegetables other than cucumbers and tomatoes.
LOL. Ah. I see.
This post should be read with a grain of salt. My lovely wife can exagerate a little. Although some of it is the absolute truth. We paid an insane amount of money for this loaf of rye bread that weighed a ton, wouldn't toast up nice and most of it got tossed because it went mouldy after a couple of days. I have had better bread from the store and we got to eat it all. Crumudgeaon my _____!!!
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