Tuesday, January 22, 2008

I Have been Awarded! and You Have Been Awarded!

I received one YOU MAKE MY DAY award from Eve!

I received another YOU MAKE MY DAY award from Sandy C. at Momisodes!

What I really want to say is that you guys have made my day a few times over!

I am instructed to give this award to 10 other people who in turn are instructed to give it to 10 other people who are instructed to give it to 10 other people. So here are the 10 people who I choose to give the award to: drum roll

1. Eve- back attcha...because you have really made my day! How you may ask?? I enjoy your blog because it is fun...level headed...kind...caring and interesting. You have made it a friendly place to come and visit. Its like coming over for a cup of coffee.

2. Sandy C.- back attcha...because you stick with us all in sickness and in health. Really! I have never seen such blogging stamina! When the rest of us would just give it up...roll over and die figuratively speaking! you are like the Energizer bunny and just keep going. I appreciate how you comment back to me regarding my comments in my e-mail and look forward to receiving them. How do you do it?

3. Jeintje- What can I say? Domestic goddess...photographer...traveler...imaginative...friend to all who visit. I love to come over and see what on earth you are going to be up to next. I just never know...you are full of surprises!

4. Fluffy- Knitter extraordinaries! She says that she is up the creek without a paddle but I say she has both paddles in the water plus we both like Pavarotti. I would love to spend an afternoon with you. We could knit and listen to music and talk about books and old movies. Plus I love her cats...they crack me up!

5. Becky- your blog has made my day for years now. You also own two of my grand children. You created my blog template and got me going. You encouraged me to join NaBloPoMo! You have some of the best pictures I have ever seen...are a good writer...are very creative and hands clapping here...appreciate my sappy ramblings.

6. Melissa- because of your commitment to do 365 days of consecutive blogging and because you are back blogging after taking a long break plus you also own one of my grandchildren. I love all blogs that feature pictures and stories of my grandchildren. I am very biased. I love the honesty of your blog. I love the shopping posts...yea to shopping!

7. Margaret- because of your commitment to post after I tag you! I will warn you that I have just been tagged by Momisodes. I have not gone to see what the tag is yet but for sure I will be passing it on to you.

8. Jen (Aspergertopia)- because you inspire me. I am sure you inspire anybody who stops by your blog. You are an incredible mom and an incredible person.

9. Angela- always worth the wait. Quirky and highly entertaining! Funny...funny...funny! Strange...odd...sometimes slightly disturbing but never ever dull!

10. My better half- even though you number your posts and refuse to give them proper titles the content of your posts...what can I say...how can I describe? Cream of Wheat? I think others will just have to go and see for themselves. Anyway...you always make my day and I wish you would post more. Nobody can make me laugh like you can.

Take a bow...pick up your award...pass on the love!


Momisodes said...

Yeowza! Thanks so much for this :) You are too kind. I look forward to your posts all the time, and I'm so glad to have found you last year. That was such a sweet award ceremony!

Eve said...

Thank you very much for the kind words! And for the lovely award. You are very deserving of this award, because you are consistently upbeat despite life's little problems.

Jientje said...

I'm so excited!!!
And I just can't hide it!
I'm about to loose control and I think I like it!!!
(Pointer Sisters, hehe, not mine!)
gee Christine!! that's two in two days, Sandy gave me one as well! My very first awards in my life ever!
Thanks ever so much!

Becky said...

How are you posting so often? I can barely post anything and I'm not at the hospital all day.

I'm not complaining, 'cause you make my day, I'm just sayin'...

Anywho, my post may be a while... But you're a patient person so... You'll manage the wait.

Christine said...

Becky: I am not watching two toddlers...I am not watching television because there is nothing on and most of what I am putting on only takes a few minutes to do.

Margaret said...

Thank you so much, Chris. I may not post often enough, but I read yours every day. I will do my best to live up to your expectations. Regarding blogging, that is.