Saturday, April 04, 2020
How time flies. Last post was 11 years ago. Thought I would take a break from Farm Town and pop on over here and see if I can maybe put something together that makes, I don't know, makes, well whatever, I don't know, anything will do. Right?
The world has gone crazy but that is not what I want to talk about. We have all had way too much of that.
When all else fails to make me laugh I go for a drive down memory Lane, pass a few by quickly cause they may not be too good and then "bingo" find one that cracks me up. Bingo- Moms cooking, quirky, shocking, funny and traumatic all rolled into one. Chicken noodle soup and mushroom soup all cooked together for our dining enjoyment. Oh, the memory of the look on my younger brothers face when faced with this delectable creation and then too top it all off, his very misguided and out of control urge to have to say something " ahem, slightly negative" about his bowl of soup. Pinch me. I must be dreaming. To clarify things, my brother was to my Mom like Raymond was to Marie. I was the female version of Robby. Her eyes narrowed. She froze him with the look. She frothed at the mouth. Ha, not really! She didn't actually froth but I am sure she showed her teeth. I will leave the rest of the story to your imagination.
Lately I have been having an urge to have some Tuna Casserole. Mom used to make that during some of her better cooking days. I have her old cookbook. It is all worn and grubby. David says that I maybe I should wipe it down and make it a little more presentable. I can't. I can see the finger marks of some long past unidentifiable substance. It takes me back to yesterday when I was a little girl. The world was safe. I had no more serious concerns than turnips in the soup. Comfort food. I need some of that. We all could use some of that.
Saturday, December 03, 2011
Windows? Don't you mean Microsoft?
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Six Weeks Until?
Sunday, August 07, 2011
In Hindsight I Would Have...
It is funny how things come back to you that you forgot about or had not thought about in a long long time. Taking care of the rug rats solo can bring it all back.
Just a simple thing like going to the cafe for fries and ice cream can turn into an epic undertaking not for the feint of heart. I had forgot that a person should wait until all elements were totally favorable before embarking anywhere as long as small children were going to be tagging along. One little thing like heat can simply put things out of control and over the top when another little thing does not go according to the plan, like the cafe closing early and the fries and the ice cream promised are not forth coming to the little people.
After intensive interrogation that went like this:
" Do you want fries?"
" younanna hhhhhhhhhhhhhhhodibo ICE CREAM"
"O.K. You want ice cream but do you want fries too?"
"mumbble ishehh ummm mumbble Ice cream"
This went on for quite some time until I had come to the conclusion that perhaps if we skipped the fries it would not cause a total melt down later when we arrived back home without them. During this whole intelligent dialogue I was sweating profusely under the intense heat of the scorching sun. The sweat was running into my eyes, stinging and burning and I could not wipe it away because I had a three year old perched precariously on the handlebars of the stroller that I had in a death grip, holding onto to for dear life in order that it does not become unbalanced and heaven forbid, cause a huge wreck injuring either the toddler or the baby.
I decided to slog our way to the store. Noah decided to drive his bike off the sidewalk and into a mud puddle. More trauma. The store was closing. The lady was at the door and had the keys in her hand. She let us get the ice cream. Miracle of miracles. No ice cream would not have been good, not after I had promised! I begged for Kleenex but not for the crying 6 year old but for the handle on the handle bar of the 6 year old's bike. The tears were on account of the mud not due to injury. I figured the tears would air dry as soon as the mud was gone. Hurry up cream is going to melt...the grandma has now over heating well and beyond any of her heat enduring abilities!
Whew! Back home but is the ordeal over? No! At this point I had one child jumping up and down wanting the Popsicle opened: "Now grandma, open please now grandma, grandma grandma" while the other one was opening two Fudgecles (I don't know how in the world to spell that and I don't care) cause he thought they both were for him and one hanging onto my legs crying his heart out cause he woke up so hungry he was like a bear just coming out of hibernation. He was happy the whole while he was in the stroller but upon being removed from there, he had suddenly entered a state of total desperation requiring FOOD NOW!.
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Makes Me Happy

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Thursday, May 05, 2011
On Looking good

Perhaps they are not as bad as this yet. YET! That is the thing. The way things are going with them I am so afraid that they could end up this way. All I can say is thank goodness I noticed in time. Can you imagine the fright I would have had if I woke up in the morning and had this looking back at me in the mirror? That would be a real life horror movie being played out right in the comfort of my own bathroom. See how creepy those eyebrows are in the picture. Can you imagine that staring back at you?