Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Baby It Is Cold Outside!

I am very lazy today. John had an early appointment with a MRI. We came home from there and each had a very long nap. Our sweet housekeeping lady woke us up. She is cleaning today in lieu of Friday. It is nice that she is getting some time off for Thanksgiving.

It is now afternoon and I think that I could have another nap. John is snoring again. He has been watching all day long westerns on TV. I wonder if you can call watching 5 minutes of a show then sleeping half an hour watching. He does. If I go and take the remote away from him he half way wakes up and declares that he was watching that show! I sure hope that he can sleep tonight.

People in Seattle are so funny. John and I have not felt the need to bring out our winter parkas. We do not need our toques or mittens. Our fall jackets are warm enough. This morning while walking over to the clinic a fellow we were passing on the sidewalk said: "Very cold morning isn't it?" as he sped by. He looked like he was in a hurry to get someplace warm fast. This happens often. John just looks at me and laughs! For us Canadians...this is hilarious! We had just been thinking how nice it was outside. The grass is green here. Boggles the mind!


Momisodes said...

LOL! That's so funny.

When we visited Seattle, someone approached us and said the SAME THING! Only we were still Californians then, and we agreed that it was "cold." :)

footsack said...

It happened to us the first winter we lived here too. We thought these island people were real woosy. Now that I've been here for a few years, I go outside when it's +5 and it's quite cold. If there is frost on my windows, I'm tempted to just stay home. It's amazing how quickly you get climatized to a place. Even though the grass is still green here and there are still flowers blooming, I long for warmer weather.
I am just glad that you and John are enjoying it. That's the main thing.

Jientje said...

And you'd probably laugh at me as well if I said " ewww, we've had snow here in Belgium!"

Fluffy said...

It seems odd to think that Seattle is warmer than Lower Slower Delaware. The flowers are all dead and I see very little green.