Kent, Brent and Angela go for a little walk up the mountainside featured in the above picture. It was a hot day and the hike was challenging. They phoned Becky and myself from the top with instructions to bring lots of lemonade and iced tea with us when we came to pick them up. They had a decadent view from the top. John and I hiked this trail a number of years back but I don't think that we went to the top.
Not that we couldn't! Of coarse we would have made it to the top if we would have wanted to.

Becky and I went of to Banff. We had a nice lunch and then went shopping. Becky got souvenir T-shirts for her kidlets and for Glen. I mostly wandered around and enjoyed the view. While it was not as spectacular as the view from the top of the mountain, I have no problem looking at them from this prospective. Decadent!

After all that hard work on our shopping hike, we returned a little early to pick up the mountain hikers. We rested by some old ruins. This was once a mining village. I love how nature has reclaimed the houses. You can see the foundation of one of the houses behind Becky.

This is so pretty. Come on in and walk amid the ghosts of the past who now dwell in a garden of trees. While you are at it make sure that you watch out for the squirrels.

After all the hiking and shopping we went and had supper. It was quite late when we got home to Bragg Creek. It made me sad to leave the mountains. I think I could have used a couple more days.
I wish I was with you. That's beautiful scenery. I wanted to go camping, but chickened out with just me, my daughter, and the kids. Next year I'm starting earlier to make reservations at a resort near some good camping areas. All the beauty of camping with hot and cold running water and a soft bed every night!
Holidays are always too short, aren't they? And now? Back to work again?
I am. Tomorrow. Yeah ...
Being in the mountains is always so refreshing.
Oh, my heart longs to go to the mountains. It's been some time. Next year! Must-go-next-year.
Oh and decadent is the perfect word.
Decadent from all angles!
You are quite the writer, Chris. I almost felt like I had been there. Banff is such a pretty town, with the mountains looming in the background. I love wandering the shops there. The air almost tastes clean and is so refreshing. Next year I think we are coming to Sask and will be going through Calgary to visit friends. We might even find ourselves in Banff. Great pictures, by the way. I'm glad you had such a good time.
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