Say hello to the new chicken on the block. Hehehe! This is what my sweetie got me for Mothers Day. It was belated and I did have to say "Oh... look at that nice chicken...could I have that for Mother"s day?" and of course he said" all means!" with a big smile plastered to his face. He was more than happy to get me something for Mothers Day...he just had been at a loss as to what. I think that lots of times our hubbies don't get us gifts simply for that reason. We need to help them out. LOL! I kind of chopped its head off in the picture. No pun intended. This chicken gets to keep it head.
May has turned out to be a busy month and it looks like June is not going to be any different. I have one more shift to work at the grocery store this week and then I will be seeing what full time feels like for the last week of May and the first week in June. Add to that a garage sale to be organized for the last weekend in May and the bake sale for Buster Days June 7 and 8. Buster Days are town Fun Days. I particularly like the parade. You have not lived until you have attended a small town's version of a parade. The last participant in the parade is the town fire truck which proceeds to spray the the people who are watching the parade. I will try to get pictures. Melissa is heading up a large bake sale to raise funds for the Seattle stem cell transplant trip. Angela and I have committed to make a swack of nuts and bolts and crunch and munch which we think will sell well at the slow pitch tournament.
Today I am going to brave the basement and try to go through things in the laundry room. That is where everything that I don't seem to be using goes to live. The stuff seems to go into hiding...never to be found when I want to find it. Hopefully I can thin stuff down and find some good items for the sale and get the rest of the stuff that I want to keep organized so I can find it when I want to.
Stage two of operation garage sale is to actually organize the venue of the event. Right now it is hard to maneuver through the garage. The main problem is Angela's stuff seems to somehow have spread out and took over the double car garage. This happens because she thinks of some item that she wants from her neatly packed boxes...she hauls a box out...roots through it...finds said item or maybe not...moves onto the next box...roots through neatly packed box and you get the picture. The car is having to sleep under the stars on the driveway.
I have all my gardening to finish as well. I would like to have all my bedding plants put in before June. I have not even bought them yet. I have been putting it off because of the I am procrastinating because of the wind. It blows day after day. After moving here from Colorado this has been the hardest thing for me to get used to. Saskatchewan has to be one of the windiest places in North America if not the world. We are going to plant a tree in the circle by the dogs head in the picture below as soon as I get the rest of the perennials moved. The poor old birch is hard to eyes are tearing up...well...there is not much life left in the old girl...sob.
John fixed the arbor that I broke trying to put up. Now we need a bench to attach it to.The roof needs shingling this year too. That is John's problem to organize so that should not be bothering me yet it lurks there in the back of my mind. It would be an ideal world if there were not all sorts of jobs lurking in my head. That seems to be the story of my life. just goes on and on and on. I am sure it is the same for everybody.
On the lighter side of things: yesterday at the grocery store as I was weighing and pricing the meat it seemed to me that the meat was really, really expensive. I commented to the butcher more than once. I said "This meat is really expensive!" Later I said "When did meat get to be so expensive?" Well about an hour later one of the cashiers came in with all the lean ground beef club packs that were supposed to be on special, dumped them on the counter rolled her eyes and said "This is so not right!" It seems when the butcher filled the Pick-in Dell orders she had not changed the scale back to kilograms from pounds. Hahaha! For the last hour I had been pricing everything wrong so we had to go out to the meat counter and find all the errors. Sometimes I can be so dense it amazes me. The butcher took all the blame but really...I have never seen a pack of ground beef that expensive in my think I would have caught on. Somehow and for some strange reason...I think this is hilarious. Sorry for this long, long post. I don't know what has got into me today.
On the lighter side of things: yesterday at the grocery store as I was weighing and pricing the meat it seemed to me that the meat was really, really expensive. I commented to the butcher more than once. I said "This meat is really expensive!" Later I said "When did meat get to be so expensive?" Well about an hour later one of the cashiers came in with all the lean ground beef club packs that were supposed to be on special, dumped them on the counter rolled her eyes and said "This is so not right!" It seems when the butcher filled the Pick-in Dell orders she had not changed the scale back to kilograms from pounds. Hahaha! For the last hour I had been pricing everything wrong so we had to go out to the meat counter and find all the errors. Sometimes I can be so dense it amazes me. The butcher took all the blame but really...I have never seen a pack of ground beef that expensive in my think I would have caught on. Somehow and for some strange reason...I think this is hilarious. Sorry for this long, long post. I don't know what has got into me today.
You make me feel so lazy. I haven't gotten anything done lately.
Goodness! You are one busy bee :) I love that arbor. It will look great with a bench.
LOL at the scale! That is something I would have totally done too.
Love the chicken. He would fit nicely in my kitchen, too! I've been busy deciding where to put all my chickens. I will take pics and show you when I finally get the kitchen stuff all back up on the walls and the curtains made.
I'm thinking of having a garage sale, too and have been organizing all my 'throw-aways'. I have three containers in the garage, so far!
I love small town parades. There is nothing like them! I wish I could be there for that.
Gardening is slow here this year, too. Even though we are miles apart, we seem to be following a similar weather pattern.
Your list is almost as long as mine. We should challenge each other to like tasks to avoid the procrastination pitfall. haha.
I'm excited as I see my kitchen coming together. Even though it is coming together as an eclectic mix, it is nice to have things functioning how they should. (an actual kitchen table to sit at with a friend or eat a meal or plan a project!) I love the openness of it. I don't care if I ever complete the cupboards to where they all match. I'm happy just having all the space!
I love your story about the grocery store. That is SOOO something I would do! haha. And I also would be laughing about it later at home. It was very funny. I enjoy reading a good long blog now and then! Especially when they are as entertaining as yours are.
I liked it. It wasn't too long for me. I have already heard most of that and I still liked it!
Chris, I loved this blog. It was full, and entertaining. I almost feel like I just got up from your table after having a coffee and a visit. Thanks for the nice start to my morning.
I loved your long blog Christine! It was very entertaining! You sure know how to keep us reading.
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