Sunday, June 17, 2007

Oh No!

There was a lady who loved chick-uns,
She thought she knew how to pick-um,
So she sat on a rooster,
Who proceeded to goose her,
She said "That chick-uns a sick-un"

The End


Carol said...

Hey, great poem. Short, sweet to the point, and it rhymes. I give it a 10 out of 10.

Which reminds me of the shortest poem ever written, the title is....

Adam had'em.

Margaret said...

This sound like maybe your daughter was over and noticed that you hadn't posted a new blog for a while? Cute poem.

Carol, I now another short one, although my title is longer.

Oh, wet pet.

footsack said...

That is a very short poem. All 3 of them. Cute.

Becky said...

Nice work Mom. I'm glad you figured out a last line that works.