Wednesday, June 06, 2007

And The Winner Is.....

We just got home from the steak night at the Odeon. Well that is not entirely true. It is just about 11:00 p.m. I can't sleep because I had too long of a nap this afternoon. We had a nice time. The supper was good and the company great. I WON the grand door prize. It is a humongous basket of spa stuff. It was so heavy my arms got sore toting it to the car. I hardly can wait until my smell capabilities return. For those of you who don't know, everything smells the same and it is not nice at that. I read on line that someone actually had the same thing but everything smelled good to her. Most people with this report bad smells. Why is that? Why can"t it be the other way around and the majority of people report smelling good smells and one person reporting bad smells. Anyway Dr. W. is sending me to an eye ear and nose guy. I hope it doesn't take too long. It is hard to cook when the food smells the same as my deodorant and the same as dirt!!! It is sooo weird. The only positive is that I can't smell the dog farts or the sewer stink that hits our town on occasion.


Margaret said...

No dog farts and sewer smell is good, but no soft baby smells, or frying farmer sausage or fresh cut grass? That is just not right. I hope your doctor can fix this soon.

Becky said...

I could take some of that spa stuff off your hands if it is bothering you....

footsack said...

That is weird. I've never heard of that. I can totally relate to not wanting to smell dog farts but not being able to smell your bath stuff...well that sucks. I also hope that Dr. can fix you up.
One more thing to add to my prayer list:)

Toad said...


Sue said...

I cannot imagine how bad this is for you Chris. I really hope and pray that the Dr.s can fix this problem for you.

Trav said...

i was really glad when you won that doorprize... i couldn't think of anyone who deserved it more...

Carol said...

I am behind in cmenting, so will comment on the back deck first, it looks great. I hope you guys have a wonderful summer to enjoy it. In regards to not smelling, that is too bad. Hopefully they can get that corrected for you.