Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Woe Is Me, Pity Party Episode 55

You would think that by my age that I would have learned to do things right the first time. YOU WOULD THINK! But no, I am by nature an impatient person. Shh! Don't tell John that I admitted to that. He would spend the better part of the week gloating. That would be insufferable and let me tell you, I am suffering enough. Here let me show you the cause of my pain.

There is a lot of stuff growing that is not shrubbery! I guess I should have took the time to put that lovely black fabric weed barrier in before I dumped all the utility wood mulch into the garden. This would be a nice time for a visit from the invisible mo. I know how much she love yard work and I am sure that she would attack that with gusto. She would make short work of it. However all that I have accomplished today is a three by three foot square. My back already hurts. I had deluded myself that I would have this completed in a couple of hours. I wish I could trade some twenty year old person bodies for a day. Do I have any takers. You would have fun with mine. Just feed it ice cream and sit around and play Farm town for me. You could flirt with all the avatars in the market place. If you get into too much mischief, I can always change my name.

Well, my back is feeling a bit more rested so I guess I had better go out and try again. If I don't keep at it the best I can I am afraid I will still be at this when the snow flies. WHY DID I NOT SIMPLY PLANT GRASS? Yeash! This time I will put on this nice hat that John was so happy to have purchased at a garage sale. I am going to look like a maroon but beggars can't be choosers. I seem to have lost mine somewhere in the jungle.


expateek said...

Why don't you take the tea kettle and pour boiling water on the weeds? It'll kill them, it's an organic solution, and it's easier on your back! Easey peasey! Your garden might look a little like somebody threw cooked spinach all over it, but within a week you can pluck the baddies out and it'll be like new!

Christine said...

I do that to kill ants. That would be a lot of boiling water. Things have got away on me. This should take care of most of them and then I can boil whatever else comes up. It is a great idea though.

The Invisible Mo said...

I don't suppose you have a "Daiso, Japan" store near you. They have these nifty little tools, look somewhat like a miniature scythe with serrated edges. They cut through that stuff so easily. I love them for weeding.
Yours looks much better than mine, though. My whole yard is weeds. By the time we put down moss killer and weed and feed, what we will have is basically...

... said...

picking weeds... argh! it's always tough going. good luck with the rest of it.

what you wrote though reminded me of how hard it is to grow older. our bodies (and minds) just don't work the same way as they did when we were younger. sad, but true.

Jientje said...

I love the boiling water idea! But if you wait long enough, it'll freeze to death! LOL!

Unknown said...

ouch! I love gardening but it really wears me out now. Good thing I don't have one.

Momisodes said...

LOL! I'm still giggling at Jientje's comment. It's so true about them freezing. We're having the same issue with our front yard. It's FULL of weeds. We finally had to hire help, even though my husband was not happy about it.

Lucy said...

I'm a little behind my blog reading so, I hope you had success in your weed pulling :)

Eve said...

I can only pull weeds for about 10 minutes. I have a bad hip that sets up a howl if I keep at it any longer than that. I'll have to try the boiling water trick - I'd never heard that before.

Unknown said...

I don't have many weeds. I guess that's an advantage to buying older houses.