Saturday, March 28, 2009


What a glorious day. The sun is shining. The birds are singing. The snow is melting. I feel cheerful and motivated. The house is getting cleaned. The sheets are changed and the bathrooms are disinfected. The dog still smells. I don't understand it. I gave him a bath last week and he stank worse than before I bathed him. Maybe I missed some vital part? As soon as I finish cleaning the rest of the house, I am going to have to give him another bath. He is a big dog and it is a big job. Please send some sympathy my way. My kids won't. They say "you bought him, you got him." Hahaha! They sound like they are my parents! Is it not funny how the roles reverse? I used the Sham Wow to dry him last week. It does not wick the water off of him as good as I thought it would. The only good thing about it is I don't have to use as many towels to dry him. I wonder? Did the Sham Wow make him stink? Did I tell you he stinks? HE STINKS! I can't stand it! Roscoe! You stink!

He doesn't know what the big deal is and does not think he needs a bath. He told me that Diane (Sunshine On My Shoulders) has never complained about her Golden Retriever and only says nice things about him. He says that I am embarrassing him. I told him " just look at yourself" (see above picture of dog rolling on his toy) He does a good enough job himself. Anything I say is really nothing.


The Invisible Mo said...

Mandy had a horrible smell, yet when I pet her and let her "hug" my arm and really rough up her fur, I don't smell like that. It was her ears. She had the worst case of ear mites. We are still battling them. Check to see if it's Roscoe's ears.

Christine said...

He always has trouble with his ears and I am always cleaning them and putting stuff the vet gave me in there. It is not his ears. I just finished another round of drops. If that does not fix it, back to the vet. Arghh! His ears do not smell. I gave him another bath and he smells fine today. I think it was emitting from his back end. No more stinky dog. I filled the tub with water and made him sit in it for awhile.

The Invisible Mo said...

Haha...poor dog. Well, retrievers are supposed to love water and all, but Mandy absolutely hates it. We have to fight tooth and nail to give her a bath, which we do outside in the summer since she is not an indoor dog at all.
Her ears have always been a problem, too, for almost the whole time we've had her.

Becky said...

Dumb dog.

Fizz stinks too. But that's because she has a tumor.

Unknown said...

My girlfriend has two and they always smell. She bathes them every week. I have never had to bathe Gus, but he washes himself. It is so odd to see him sitting with Zip and they are both washing themselves.

Margaret said...

I wish I had a Golden Retriever. Even if he stinks every now and then.

... said...

hahaha.... hehehe....

brody says hi, roscoe

we affectionately call brody, butt-head. so he's not the perfect dog you may think he is.

did you use the sham-wow the second time around? maybe it was that.

Momisodes said...

I definitely sympathize. My dog is not terribly large, and he is a HUGE pain to bathe. Huge.

At least your doggie is cute though :)

More importantly. You have a Sham-Wow!? I want to try it!

little erin said...

the cutest dog!