Friday morning we went for a tour up the Kananaskis. It was a perfect sun shining day. This time of year the river is low. In the spring it flows over the bank and pounds the shore. I believe this is the Elbow River.
You couldn't find a more perfectly decadent place for a cup of coffee. Cheers!
You probably can't see him very well but this little juvenile black bear was hanging out close to the river. He is hoofing it up the mountain here. He was too fast for me to get a good picture.
We drove up to the top of a small mountain and captured this beautiful view. Looking out the other direction we could see Calgary. Once a year they have a marathon run up this mountain. I can't imagine trying to run up there. All in visual decadence! You would have to agree!
We went shopping in Calgary for the afternoon. Every great trip has to allow for shopping time. We went down 17th Street. I saw Armani jean jackets, jeans that cost 600 dollars, boots that cost 800 dollars. You would have to agree that it was shopping decadence! Yes! Did I buy anything! Are you crazy? I am quite happy in my new 21 dollar Old Navy jeans, thank you very much.
After shopping we had a bar-b-que back at my brothers. It was moon light and candle light out under the pines. It was only after dessert came and I thought that they had served me apple crisp with ice cream only to be shocked by the flavor and texture and suffered total disorientation of my taste buds that everybody realized that I had not been able to see a thing I had been eating all evening. A candle was supplied and placed next to my plate. I had been served lemon pie with a mountain of fluffy egg whites piled on top. You would have to agree... total gastrointestinal decadence!
After supper was laughter time. Each time I visit my brother he tries to outdo himself in making me laugh and shows me outrageous DVD's. This year he featured Little Britain. Here is one of the clips we saw. I will just issue a warning here just in case you decided that you must see more of Little Britain sketches. This is one of the milder ones. They are very, very outrageous and may offend you. The same two guys do all the skits. One of the skits features them in lady fat suits and they ultimately end up naked and wrestling. They are not pretty. Some of the DVD's showed naked male anatomy. Yes...I closed my eyes. Maybe you should not go to U-tube by yourself. It is totally decadent!
I had to mention the Little Britain sketches because these characters kept coming up throughout the rest of the visit. My brother and his partner continuously mimicked the characters in the skit constantly reducing Becky, Angela and myself into pathetic, helpless, laughing lumps.
ROFL!!! Oh man, that was a hilarious clip :)
I really enjoyed your pics and reading about your trip. Those views were total visual decadence ;) I feel the same way about my $25 jeans. So glad you had a decadent getaway!
Off to YouTube thanks to you ;)
So glad you had a decadent good time! We had too!
And I feel exactly the same about my jeans which is surely not as expensive as 4 or 600 dollars!
I lived in Jasper for a few years in my late teens. Worked, played, partied. Gorgeous part of the world. I too wish to go back sooner than later!
Thanks for sharing the pics
The trip may have been uneventful, but the rest of the holliday wasn't!
I'm glad you had a good time,so did we in London! Didn't buy any expensive stuff either!
Looks like you had a great time.
You've got me beat on the weird brother issue and I have two of them.
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