Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Warning : This couild happen to you!

Make sure to invite all the older people in your life to the party or they may just show up anyway and any witch way they choose to. Sorry for the pun but I just can't help myself.


Toad said...


footsack said...

That is a great picture. I will be sure to invite you to ALL my parties. :)

Becky said...

That was an awesome night. Ahhhh... Good times.

Sue said...

That was so funny. Especially when we went to Moxi's after and Anette forgot her change of clothes.

Carol said...

LOL. Great picture...I hope I don't look too much like that when I get older.

Christine said...

I sure hope that this doesn't happen to anybody else as they age. That is why the warning! Either try real hard not to be in the loop that way what you don't know won't entice yourself to try to infiltrate yourself into a party that you weren't invited to. I mean who were we really kidding? How absolutely pathetic! Did we actually think that no one would recognize us? I mean we really did try to blend into the crowd but you just can't veil such beauty as is our lot! One of the twins even got propositioned! She was told that she was real pretty! The other thing that you can do is to make sure that you stay in the loop and make sure that you get invited to all the parties. You can do this by using any means at your disposal: bribery, guilt, flattery to name a few. Just use your imagination. I personally find these methods to be tiring so I have decided to take the advice and use the philosophy of the red hatters and let my beauty shine.

Margaret said...

What a hilarious night! I haven't crashed many parties, but I have to say, this one was the most fun and the most memorable. Thanks for the memory Chris.