Sunday, July 23, 2006

Better late than never.

So you think I am being a bit tardy with the posting thing aye. Well its only going to get worse, I am in Ottawa and this is not me writing this. Some one is trying to gettttt controll of my blog. Some o.kmncasd one aoasdssssssssssss helppp, getting weaker______________________________________. *Insert evil laugh*
After many attempts at gaining entry, I have figured it out. This is John at the helm, and from now on if she doesn't post I will publish a post and you will have to figure out who your talking to. har har har


Becky said...

I'm so proud.

Margaret said...

Good job, Chr...John. I would love to hear more from Chris, even if it has to be your effort that gets us there.

Carol said...

We hope to hear from Chris ( or you if we have to). Just as long as there is someone blogging!! :)

Unknown said...

Hee hee... good job.

footsack said...

I was shocked to see a post. I don't even check it every day anymore for fear of being dissapointed but then lo' and behold there it was. (even if it was you John, it's still good to see something new) Keep it up. :)

Anonymous said...

Today is exactly 4 months since there has been a post. I think it might be time. I know it's tough to think about what to write. I'm having some trouble too. Let's try to write something once a week and shock the socks off all those creative members of our family. C'mon Chris we can do this. I'm root'n for us.

Anonymous said...

i don't think she knows how to get her email. and the last post was dad. maybe this weekend i will make her post.